Let Me Explain Studios Wiki

Rebecca Parham's Winter Wear merchandise, also called the Let Me Explain Studios Winter Wear merchandise, is a set of Rebecca Parham winter-themed collectibles, starting in mid-November 2020.

This collection was firstly advertised in an animated short called Down With the SICK. The collectibles of this merchandise were produced by CreatorInk.

Name Image Price Official description
Let Me Explain Studios Winter Sweater
Lmes-Ugly-Xmas-Sweater-Product 720x
$54.99 Can you really call a sweater ugly when it makes you look like a snack and a half? I don’t think so! 'Tis the season to don our winter apparel and curl up next to cozy fires! Keep warm and snug with a Let Me Explain Studios winter sweater! Think of it as a warm hug from yours truly!
Let Me Explain Studios Winter Scarf
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$29.99 Do you suffer from cold necks?! Wish there was a solution that was also fashionable and told the world you love and support a certain mouthless cartoon character?! Then look no further than the Let Me Explain Studios Winter Scarf! Made to look like a college scarf, show off your “Let Me Explain University” pride and stay warm at the same time!
Let Me Explain Studios Winter Cap
$24.99 I would tip my hat to you, but all I have is a cap. Not just any cap though! Presenting the Let Me Explain Studios Winter Cap! A cute and fashionable accessory to your winter wardrobe, guaranteed to make your head warmer!

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