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No Mouths?! is an animation and the first Q&A (excluding Rebecca Explains) created by Rebecca Parham. It is also the successor of Rebecca Explains.
Rebecca Parham answers some of the most commonly asked questions she gets in the comments section of her videos or even in her social media.
Her fans have asked many questions about her and her animations in the video and Rebecca has answered 9 of these questions.
Questions & Answers[]
Questions | Answers |
Why doesn't Rebecca include a mouth in her characters? | This is because it is an animation style. She had a theater teacher that once said he loved Gromit from Aardman Studios' Wallace and Gromit because viewers could understand everything he is thinking and feeling just from his actions. Something about that observation just stuck with her, and she carried it into my work. There are many different ways viewers can convey a character's thoughts and emotions: through the eyes, through body language, and strong storytelling poses, and depending on the stylization of their animation, they can really push the boundaries of your characters emoting. She always liked animating eyes, and not having to animate lipsync, as it gives her more time to come up with livelier poses for my animation. |
What's the answer to the riddle of Can You Solve My Secret Code? | The answer is "dolls." In the poem, she said Mabel's name was a key and that the viewer needed to remember this phrase. Those are the two most important aspects of solving this riddle. The alphabetic numbers of the letters in Mabel are 13, 1, 2, 5 and 12. And if they go to the 13th, 1st, 2nd, 5th and 12th letters in this special phrase, they spell out the word "dolls." |
What software does Rebecca use? | For animation, she uses Flash Animation. However, there is other software that she uses to make her animated videos as well. She draws all her keyframes in Photoshop because she draws better in Photoshop than in Flash, she has been recording all of my audio on Audacity, and she edit everything together in Premiere Pro. Also, she can press all those giant video files in Adobe Media Encoder and Handbrake. |
Why doesn't she have more subscribers? | There isn't really an answer to this question, as she asks this question everyday. |
Rebecca pronounced wrong in Flan. | That was part of the joke. She actually went to several dictionary websites, and when she pressed the sound button, they all pronounced it /flan/. Which confused the heck out of her because she heard people saying flAHn many times before. However, she went with flan because comedic mispronunciation is funny to her. |
Why am I only now just finding Rebecca? | With JaidenAnimations's collaboration on How to Creep Out Your Favorite YouTubers at Conventions, the YouTube algorithm is starting to associate her videos with creators who produce similar content. Popular YouTube animators are Jaiden, TheOdd1sOut, TimTom and more, with them having around or at least 1000000 subscribers each. She has been creating content for years with a very slow climb in subscribers back then. However, because of the bigger YouTubers who believed in her, more viewers are able to see her animations. |
Was Kid President really that awful? | In her 2015 VidCon Recap, she recreated a moment that happened at the exhibitor party when she was playing video games with Rebecca's friend. Kid President came up behind her and started smack talking her bad gaming skills. Now one of the principles of animation is exaggeration, and that means pushing poses and facial expressions and emotions past realism to create more entertainment value, visual appeal, and contrast. However, in her attempts to be an effective animator and exaggerate the emotions for entertainment sake, she thinks she portrayed Kid President awfully. Truthfully, in that situation, him smack-talking Rebecca and joshing her for her bad gaming skills, was more lighthearted than shown in the video. |
What's up with her friend Ami from the 2016 VidCon Recap? | She has been asking that question too, and she thinks it's just a really good moisturizer. TomSka agrees. |
Jaiden only said, "Ah!" in her How to Creep Out Your Favorite YouTubers video! | She already knows that, and JaidenAnimations sent her audio of her constantly saying "Ah!" for 20 seconds. It was hard for Rebecca to choose her best take, because Rebecca said that she knows how to be startled. |
- Rebecca Parham
- Fans
- TomSka (mentioned)
- Jaiden Animations
- Kid President (cameo)
- Shannon
- TimTom (mentioned)
- TheOdd1sOut (mentioned)
- Ami Yamato (mentioned)
- Rachel Parham (mentioned)
The reception for this video is positive in general. What some people liked most of all is the part where Rebecca hugged Jaiden Animations.
- Normally, her characters have their hands sometimes representing five fingers on each hand. However, in the thumbnail, Rebecca was shown with four fingers on each hand.
- The reason why she puts "no mouths" as a question in her title and the thumbnail is because it is the most commonly asked question.
- Before July 7, 2019, it was currently unknown if Rebecca will make another questions and answers video. However, as of that day, since some of her fans ask more common questions about her and her animations, she made another Q&A video, which is Am I Dating Someone?.
- Rebecca Parham mentioned the fact that her sister, Rachel Parham, is afraid of dolls, which means she has pediophobia.
Animated stories
Almost Run Over by a Car • Backyard Stories • Bitten While Defending A Friend • Blood On My Windshield • Crazy Wrong Number Caller • Crotchety Storage Lady • Daycare Stories • Daycare Stories 2 • Disney Street Performers Pick on Me • Getting Recognized Stories • I Got Stuck on a Roof • Lost My Pants in Wonderland • My Crazy Theatre Teacher • My Real Ghost Encounters • My School Dress Codes • My Teacher Murdered Someone • My Terrible Mouth Accident • Running Away From Home • Stole Mom's Credit Card to Buy N64 • Street Performers Pick on Me Again! • The Curious Disney Security Guard • The Girlfriend Fairy
Am I Dating Someone? • BeeFwee • Can You Solve My Secret Code? • Come See My Spooky Tree House • Dumb Things I Do • Flight of the Valentine • How to Creep Out Your Favorite YouTubers at Conventions • I Am a YouTuber?? • If YouTube Animators Actually Uploaded Weekly • My Embarrassing & Weird Old Art • No Mouths?! • Over the Moon • Phone Notifications • Slumber Parties Are Witch Gatherings • Stuck in a Bank • The Sochi Hotel Games • Things Animation Girls Say • Things I Would Do if I Had the Time or Money! • Too Much • Welcome to Let Me Explain Studios! • Working Late • You Think I'm Stupid?!
Music videos
Animated Outtakes (Dumb Things I Do) • Barcarolle • Bei Mir Bist Du Schoen • Carol of the Bells • Chewy Fingers • I Sang a Song for Hurricane Harvey Victims
Subscriber milestone specials
1000000 Subscribers Extravaganza • Draw My Life
VidCon recaps
2015 VidCon Recap • 2016 VidCon Recap • 2017 VidCon Recap • 2018 VidCon Recap • 2019 VidCon Recap
Basset Hound Puppy Steals Shoe • Don't Listen to the Demon • First Father's Day Without Him • Father's Day Video & Inside Out • Girlfriend Fairy Halloween Costume • How I Found Self-Esteem Through Animation • Loopy & Sleep Deprived Office Tour • My Most Embarrassing Halloween Costumes • There's 20000 of us! • VidCon Panel Audition • What the Hell Anime Is This? • YouTubers I Want to Sing With
Drawing videos
Drawing Animators into Over the Garden Wall • Ruining Your Favorite YouTubers
Firebug Chats
My Sultry Voice Gives You an Update • What It Was Like Having The Virus
Selected Outtakes
LastVidCon Bloopers • SlumberParties Bloopers
Quick Birthday Update • VidCon Update & Snake • Update Central
Behind the Scenes
Stuck in an Emo Band (behind the scenes) • YouTube Rewind, PAX South and more
DELETING SOON! Discount on Halloween MERCH! • DONATE, you cowards! #HopeFromHome • Pin Theatre • Pokémon Parody and We've Moved
Rebecca Explains
Rebecca Explains 1 • Rebecca Explains 2 • Rebecca Explains 3
Down With the SICK
Animations (rare)
Children • Ed Edd n Eddy Crack Parodies • Ed Edd n Eddy Grim Grinning Ghosts • Ed Edd n Eddy Sing the FCC Song • Ed Edd n Eddy Showtune Parodies
Animatics (rare)
I'm a Star • Inventure • Ode to Mother • Ode to Dad • Pissing People Off • Quest for Storage • Rachel's Birthday Animatic • Raiders of the Lego Man • Sling Shot • Tis the Season • Trick or Retreat
Animations for other channels (rare)
Angles Song • Stuck in an Emo Band (animation) • Time Song
Animation reels (rare)
2012 Demo Reel • 2013 Story Reel • Flash Animation Demo Reel
Animation tests (rare)
2D Dance • Artie Animations • Emotions Lipsync Test • Push/Pull Exaggerated • Push/Pull Natural • Silhouette • Swinging Lip Sync • Tobuscus Animated Lip Sync • Waiting • Walk Cycle
Vlogs (rare)
70 Random Things Found in my Room • Freaking Myself Out While Filming the Halloween Video • Tea with Mat Hatter and Alice