Let Me Explain Studios Wiki


Official artwork.

Nacie is a reoccurring character in Rebecca's videos, usually older animations and animatics.



She appears to have red hair with a ponytail, she has blue eyes with an unusual eye shape, she wears a purple shirt and blue jeans.


She isn't usually smiling. Despite her being friends with Rebecca, she treats her in a somewhat edgy mood, as that is her personality.

Rebecca officially said that Nacie has Rebecca's personality, but only if she was angry, upset and depressed.[1]

Role in videos[]

Her role is to be Rebecca's friend to talk with.


She has a love-hate relationship with Rebecca. Even though they are friends to each other, Nacie sometimes gets annoyed from Rebecca, even though Rebecca always likes her.



  • You always piss me off.
  • Nothing overlooked.
  • Yes a very suitable channel warming party. Now forgive me for asking a candid question but doesn't one usually invite their viewers to a channel warming party?


  • Nacie is a fictional character, because she was portrayed by Rebecca.
    • However, it's likely that she is based on a good friend of Rebecca's.
  • Nacie was once the name of Rebecca's main Twitter account, until she changed it later to RebeccaParham when she uploaded YouTube Rewind, PAX South and more.




Rebecca Parham

Animator assistants
Megan MaherNinedoodlesE GriswoldAnnie LoomisChloe Dungate

Broomstache ManBuzzardDress code staff memberEmo singerEric Paul EngelHorrifying creatureJacoMedusaMillyRebecca's DemonRed-Eyed GhostStorage LadyThe curious Disney security guardThiefWrong number caller

Recurring characters
AliceBenDirectorExample characterFanJaco's fatherKid PresidentNaciePolice officerRapperSenior theater kidShannonSnitchStudentsThe Girlfriend FairyTweedledeeVidCon Doll RebeccaVidCon securityVidCon staffYoliYoli's husband

Minor characters
Attention boyBeeFweeBlack-haired Pokémon trainerBloody MaryBoxerBrunette Pokémon trainerCarpenterCarter BranchChoir DirectorChris MillerCOVID-19 DoctorDentistDisney performerDisney recruiterDisney security guardDoctorEarlFashion ladyFemale Disney security bossFifiFire chiefFire SenpaiFreddyGirls on TVGladysGregHank GreenHarry HeartbreakerHead security womanHead teacherHenryKatnissKayKay's fatherKay's motherLawyerLet Me Explain Studios logoLittle GirlLizzie BordenMarilynMaryMr. VanderbiltNoah ArkOrthodontistPabloPedicure employeePervertPrincipalPoo-Pourri MarketerPsychiatristRebecca's AngelRebecca's problems in human formRebecca's slumber party friendsRhydonRingling advisorRueSerial killerShop employeeStagehandStage ManagerTech theater girlTheater department advisorTreehouse-chanVice-principal

Rebecca's relatives
AceAnn ParhamCharlieDavid ParhamMabelMike ParhamNoahPhotographer GirlRachel ParhamStanley ParhamRebecca's grandmother

Ami YamatoAnthony PadillaArin HansonBoyinabandCrankGameplaysChillyPandaCypherDenDaneBoeDanny SexbangDomicsDoddleoddleDrawWithJazzaEddacheFootofaFerretGame GrumpsGingerPaleIllymationIt's Alex ClarkJacksepticeyeJaiden AnimationsLife NogginLinkMarkiplierMatPatMeghan TonjesNathan YaffeOnlyLeighRebaka-ChanRhettRoomieOfficialRubberNinjaShgurrSomeThingElseYTsWooZieTabbesTessa VioletTheAMaazingTheOdd1sOutTimTomTomSkaTonyVToons
