Let Me Explain Studios Wiki

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Let Me Explain Studios Wiki

POWERED BY: JustLeafy's Wiki

FOUNDED • FEB 22, 2018
548 articles • 1,344 files • 4 users

Note: This wiki may contain spoilers. Read at your own risk!

This is a dedicated community and an encyclopedic resource of everything about Rebecca Parham that anybody can edit! This wiki includes documentation on Rebecca Parham along with the characters mentioned, YouTubers she collaborated with, videos, easter eggs/references, and more!

This wiki is virtually complete, and has all information for every single page available. Articles about all the videos Rebecca has ever uploaded, all the main settings and all characters along with YouTubers featured in these videos exist already. There is currently not much to do, other than editing minor mistakes that can be fixed in a few articles, and adding pages of the new video when Rebecca releases a new video. If you want to edit or change something, you can start doing it right now by creating an account or signing in.

Note that we are not endorsed with Rebecca Parham or any affiliates. However, she has acknowledged this wiki and liked it. Also, pages for Rebecca Parham's videos, especially animated stories, contain spoilers, so read at your own risk.



Rebecca Parham (born December 4, 1987 (1987-12-04) [age 37]),[1] simply known as "Let Me Explain Studios", is an American animator who posts a variety of comedic animated videos on her YouTube channel. She is also the founder, CEO and creative director of the animation studio of the same name. She is also the protagonist of her animations.


She was born in Texas on December 4, 1987, to Mama Parham and Mike Parham. She has an older sister named Rachel and a few years later, her little brother David was born.

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Videos by Rebecca Parham consist of vlogs, music videos and animations. Vlogs are videos that represents herself talking or discussing about a topic. Her music videos, which has the lowest quantity in her channels, are videos that represent her singing or doing covers of other songs. Animations, which are the most common type of videos in both of her channels, are basically a large amount of frames and visual images that are represented as a cartoon. They usually take about a month or two to make for each animation.



Characters are the people who appear in this franchise. They consist of protagonists, antagonists, minor characters, re-occuring characters, Rebecca's relatives and even YouTubers.



Transcripts are basically what has been said in a video. Behind the scenes, they usually could be scripts consisting of lines used for the purpose of speaking in a video, in a prepared manner and to facilitate what people are understanding from the audio of these videos. Usually, Rebecca's videos are scripted to organize her say.


Galleries are basically groups of frames and images (taken as screenshots), then they are put in an organized gallery for exhibition purposes. Screenshots from the galleries are taken from Rebecca's videos.



The settings are the places that were mentioned and drawn in Rebecca's videos and animations. Most of the time, one setting appears on a video. Two can appear at times, but not usually. Characters appear in settings, and both characters and settings appear in videos. Though, usually, Rebecca's setting is unknown and shows only a colored background, she does sometimes mentions a place or two she has been to, usually in an animation or a story.

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 - No spam allowed.
 - Respect everybody in this wiki.
 - No inappropriate content allowed in the masthead.
 - Do not attempt to engage in flame wars.
 - Do not ever vandalize an article. Any sort of vandalism will automatically result in a PERMANENT block without a warning.
 - Add any missing information, when there is.
 - Make sure all grammar and spelling is correct.

If you followed all the rules, you won't be blocked, unless if you somehow attempted to forget the rules and break them. Anyways, happy editing!


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