Let Me Explain Studios Wiki

(WAPOOSH) Top of the mornin' to ya, laddies! My name is Jacksepticeye, and welcome (back) to [game name]!

―Jacksepticeye’s Intro

Seán William McLoughlin (born: February 7, 1990 (1990-02-07) [age 35]), better known online as Jacksepticeye, is a reoccurring character in Rebecca's videos and animations and an Irish YouTuber, video game commentator, occasional vlogger, and voice actor. He is known for his energy, distinct accent, loud commentary and yet sometimes gentle nature and (now former) signature green hair (which he dyed for charity alongside Markiplier). Jack's channel has over 21 million subscribers and 10.4 billion video views, making him one of the most popular YouTubers on the site.



Seán is tall, skinny and has a white skin tone. He was often seen with green and brown hair in Rebecca's videos (even though he now has brown hair). He has blue eyes and brown facial hair.


He is known for his loud, bouncy but caring personality and constant positivity, but tones down to seriousness on some occasions when something needs to be talked about. He shows his appreciation for his fanbase multiple times, such as making a subscriber milestone video thanking them.[1]

Role in videos[]

Disney Street Performers Pick on Me[]

He made a cameo appearance and was part of the audience.

How to Creep Out Your Favorite YouTubers at Conventions[]

He was represented as one of the big YouTubers to appear at VidCon. Rebecca was creeping him out by making a pass at him.

Ruining Your Favorite YouTubers[]

She has drawn/ruined him. Jacksepticeye's logo is basically a green and blue eye. Rebecca ruined Jacksepticeye by making the eye his logo being his right eye. The eye is basically attempting to control Jack.

The Last VidCon Recap[]

She got to meet Rebecca at the Instagram Lounge.


He has a good relationship with Rebecca Parham. They're friends, but not really close friends, though, but they do talk to each other and like each other.



See w:c:youtube:Jacksepticeye#Trivia



Rebecca Parham

Animator assistants
Megan MaherNinedoodlesE GriswoldAnnie LoomisChloe Dungate

Broomstache ManBuzzardDress code staff memberEmo singerEric Paul EngelHorrifying creatureJacoMedusaMillyRebecca's DemonRed-Eyed GhostStorage LadyThe curious Disney security guardThiefWrong number caller

Recurring characters
AliceBenDirectorExample characterFanJaco's fatherKid PresidentNaciePolice officerRapperSenior theater kidShannonSnitchStudentsThe Girlfriend FairyTweedledeeVidCon Doll RebeccaVidCon securityVidCon staffYoliYoli's husband

Minor characters
Attention boyBeeFweeBlack-haired Pokémon trainerBloody MaryBoxerBrunette Pokémon trainerCarpenterCarter BranchChoir DirectorChris MillerCOVID-19 DoctorDentistDisney performerDisney recruiterDisney security guardDoctorEarlFashion ladyFemale Disney security bossFifiFire chiefFire SenpaiFreddyGirls on TVGladysGregHank GreenHarry HeartbreakerHead security womanHead teacherHenryKatnissKayKay's fatherKay's motherLawyerLet Me Explain Studios logoLittle GirlLizzie BordenMarilynMaryMr. VanderbiltNoah ArkOrthodontistPabloPedicure employeePervertPrincipalPoo-Pourri MarketerPsychiatristRebecca's AngelRebecca's problems in human formRebecca's slumber party friendsRhydonRingling advisorRueSerial killerShop employeeStagehandStage ManagerTech theater girlTheater department advisorTreehouse-chanVice-principal

Rebecca's relatives
AceAnn ParhamCharlieDavid ParhamMabelMike ParhamNoahPhotographer GirlRachel ParhamStanley ParhamRebecca's grandmother

Ami YamatoAnthony PadillaArin HansonBoyinabandCrankGameplaysChillyPandaCypherDenDaneBoeDanny SexbangDomicsDoddleoddleDrawWithJazzaEddacheFootofaFerretGame GrumpsGingerPaleIllymationIt's Alex ClarkJacksepticeyeJaiden AnimationsLife NogginLinkMarkiplierMatPatMeghan TonjesNathan YaffeOnlyLeighRebaka-ChanRhettRoomieOfficialRubberNinjaShgurrSomeThingElseYTsWooZieTabbesTessa VioletTheAMaazingTheOdd1sOutTimTomTomSkaTonyVToons
