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Daycare Stories is an animated video featuring a series of stories created by Rebecca Parham.


In this video, Rebecca explains a few of her stories that happening during the period of her being in daycare.


Box story[]

In Rebecca's daycare in 1989, there was a big playroom with a lot of stored stuff and equipment, and one morning, she noticed that there was a large empty box that was big enough for her to hide in. She thought of hiding behind the box to see what will happen, so when the adults weren't looking, she hid behind the box for around half an hour before playtime ended. When the kids were ushered to do a different activity, Rebecca was hiding behind the box for an hour before an adult eventually spotted her. She then got in trouble for that.

Marker story[]

One time at daycare in 1992, the adults brought a whiteboard and they have a rule where kids aren't allowed to draw on the board without adult supervision. So, Rebecca decided to grab a green marker and decorate her face with it. She put the marker back and walked away, but an adult eventually spotted her. The adult asked if she did it to herself, and Rebecca lied by replying with "no". The adult asked if someone did this to them and she replied with "yes", so the adult asked, and Rebecca had a hard time thinking about another lie, and she didn't want to accuse another kid, so she said that the markers drew themselves on her face. The adult kept a straight face and punished her.

Video game console story[]

Rebecca's sister Rachel did also go to daycare, but given she was two years older than Rebecca, she was grouped into the older kids' program called the Super Stars in 1993, which had a Nintendo Entertainment System console with the game Super Mario Brothers on it. This is the first time Rebecca sees such a console and this made her really excited and want to watch the older kids play Super Mario Brothers. She was kicked out of the room, so she had an idea to get back in: she proceeded to scream and cry that she misses Rachel, so the adults had no other choice but to put her in the Super Stars room with her. She watched people play games, but it didn't take long for the adults to catch her, so Rebecca finally admits the reality after being accused of what she did.

White van story[]

In 1995, One of the services the daycare provided was picking up children from her elementary school and taking them back to the daycare, where the parents could pick them up later. Given that her parents both worked full-time, she waited for a big white van to pick her up, and that was normally her routine to going back home. One day, she got bored of the routine and decided to walk home, since it was only a mile away. She hid behind a brick pillar, in front of Rachel, so that the van would leave without her, and then, she would be able to walk home. In that process, she realized that when she arrives home by walking, no one will have the keys to open the door, so she decided to return to the care. Given that what she was doing was against the rules and she knew that, she'd be afraid to see any white vehicle (because it'd look like a white van), so she would duck behind a tree or bush as fast as she could. When she was so close to the daycare, she noticed that the van was approaching, and she only had one really thin tree she could hide behind. Given that it was really thin, the driver could easily see her. They stopped the van, made Rebecca go to the van, and inside the van was Rachel, who snitched on the daycare staff.



The reception for this video is positive.

Easter eggs[]

  • At 1:50, when Rebecca got caught by a daycare adult, Rebecca's reaction was a reference to the exclamation point from the Metal Gear video game series. Most likely cause young Rebecca was hiding by a cardboard box.
  • One of the daycare books is ASDF, a potential homage to ASDFMovie.
    • To add credence to this Homage, the image on the spine of the book next to it is Mine Turtle.
  • One of the posters in the daycare is an octopus wearing a top hat. This is possibly a homage to Octi, Bubbles toy octopus in The Powerpuff Girls.
  • When Rebecca was discussing about gamers playing video games, she has shown Markiplier, Jacksepticeye, and PewDiePie.
  • While the names on the Kindergarten's teacher's list are those who worked on the short, one of the names listed is "Rallison", which is the surname of James of Odds1Out Fame.
  • At 6:03, Among the classmates who walk home are Luz from "The Owl House", Anne from "Amphibia", Tilly from "Big City Greens", and Gideon from "Gravity Falls".
  • Rebecca's backpack reads; "Sure, Jan", in reference to the "Brady Bunch" meme.
  • When Rebecca was running to the Super Stars room, she was doing a Naruto run.


  • This is the first video in 2021.
  • This is the second video to feature multiple stories in one, the first being Backyard Stories.
  • She used the whiteboard animation style when she was talking about how markers drew themselves on her face.
  • The NES Console reads; "Nintendo, Your Future Overlords".
  • The daycare was called "Kinderegg Care".

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