Let Me Explain Studios Wiki

David Clayton Parham is a reoccurring character who appeared in Rebecca's animations. He is also the younger brother of Rebecca and Rachel Parham, the husband of the photographer girl, the grandson of his grandmother and the son of Ann and Mike Parham.



He is a tall a slightly horizontally challenged person. He has brown hair and a brown beard. He is often found with a blue shirt and light jeans, and sometimes a black shirt and blue jeans.


He seems to be a rather chill person. He is often found in a relaxed position, and is barely shown talking.

Like Rebecca, as a child, David unsuspecting (But that’s understandable because most children are trustful). This is shown in Backyard Stories, where he helped his older sister, Rebecca, place a ball that kept rolling off a catapult she liked to play with. He got hit in the face with the catapult because he put his face directly on to it to carefully place the ball, not knowing what would happen next.

Role in videos[]

He's rather more of a cameo character most of the time, such as in Disney Street Performers Pick on Me or The Curious Disney Security Guard. However, he is mentioned more in the 2015 VidCon Recap, the 2018 VidCon Recap and My Real Ghost Encounters. In Backyard Stories, he was mentioned that he got injured from Rebecca unintentionally hitting his face with a fence post. In The Last VidCon Recap, he and his family got to see Rebecca. In Getting Recognized Stories, he and Rebecca were waiting for their sister Rachel and their mother to get out of the bathroom. He was wearing an Aperture Labs shirt, which was recognized and complimented by a girl who wore a Spirited Away shirt. From there, Rebecca Parham complimented the girl's shirt, and the girl thought she was familiar, then Rebecca said her intro, thanks to her brother for wearing the shirt.


Ann and Mike Parham[]

He likely has a really good relationship with them, since they are his parents.

Rebecca and Rachel Parham[]

He likely also has a really good relationship with them, since they are his older sisters.

Photographer girl[]

Since the photographer girl is his wife, he loves her and has a husband and wife relationship with her.



  • "You know that was Kid President smack talking you, right?"
  • "Whatever."
  • "I don't remember anything."




Rebecca Parham

Animator assistants
Megan MaherNinedoodlesE GriswoldAnnie LoomisChloe Dungate

Broomstache ManBuzzardDress code staff memberEmo singerEric Paul EngelHorrifying creatureJacoMedusaMillyRebecca's DemonRed-Eyed GhostStorage LadyThe curious Disney security guardThiefWrong number caller

Recurring characters
AliceBenDirectorExample characterFanJaco's fatherKid PresidentNaciePolice officerRapperSenior theater kidShannonSnitchStudentsThe Girlfriend FairyTweedledeeVidCon Doll RebeccaVidCon securityVidCon staffYoliYoli's husband

Minor characters
Attention boyBeeFweeBlack-haired Pokémon trainerBloody MaryBoxerBrunette Pokémon trainerCarpenterCarter BranchChoir DirectorChris MillerCOVID-19 DoctorDentistDisney performerDisney recruiterDisney security guardDoctorEarlFashion ladyFemale Disney security bossFifiFire chiefFire SenpaiFreddyGirls on TVGladysGregHank GreenHarry HeartbreakerHead security womanHead teacherHenryKatnissKayKay's fatherKay's motherLawyerLet Me Explain Studios logoLittle GirlLizzie BordenMarilynMaryMr. VanderbiltNoah ArkOrthodontistPabloPedicure employeePervertPrincipalPoo-Pourri MarketerPsychiatristRebecca's AngelRebecca's problems in human formRebecca's slumber party friendsRhydonRingling advisorRueSerial killerShop employeeStagehandStage ManagerTech theater girlTheater department advisorTreehouse-chanVice-principal

Rebecca's relatives
AceAnn ParhamCharlieDavid ParhamMabelMike ParhamNoahPhotographer GirlRachel ParhamStanley ParhamRebecca's grandmother

Ami YamatoAnthony PadillaArin HansonBoyinabandCrankGameplaysChillyPandaCypherDenDaneBoeDanny SexbangDomicsDoddleoddleDrawWithJazzaEddacheFootofaFerretGame GrumpsGingerPaleIllymationIt's Alex ClarkJacksepticeyeJaiden AnimationsLife NogginLinkMarkiplierMatPatMeghan TonjesNathan YaffeOnlyLeighRebaka-ChanRhettRoomieOfficialRubberNinjaShgurrSomeThingElseYTsWooZieTabbesTessa VioletTheAMaazingTheOdd1sOutTimTomTomSkaTonyVToons
