Let Me Explain Studios Wiki

Dane Boedigheimer (born: September 28, 1978 (1978-09-28) [age 46]), better known online as DaneBoe, is a reoccurring character in Rebecca's videos and animations, an American YouTuber, filmmaker, singer, and actor best known for their webseries The Annoying Orange, where they provide the voice of the title character. They had 1.5M+ subscribers and 234+ videos on YouTube.



They were tall, skinny and has a white skin tone. They also has brown hair and blue eyes. He is often seen wearing a light blue shirt, blue jeans and a gray cap on them, after their transition, they wear grey and white clothing with long growing out and uses they/them as pronouns.


They are entertaining and friendly. They also likes working and filming Annoying Orange, and they likes their friends in the Annoying Orange crew and Rebecca Parham.

Role in videos[]

Stuck in an Emo Band (animation)[]

DaneBoe is stuck in a band with an emo singer and emo artists.

Stuck in an Emo Band (behind the scenes)[]

DaneBoe was often featured in this video because they are the protagonist of the animation.

Stuck in a Bank[]

They were stuck in a bank, and were explaining their story about it.

Things Animation Girls Say[]

They made a cameo appearance. He was shown in the poster of Stuck in an Emo Band.

2015 VidCon Recap[]

They were hanging out with Rebecca Parham, when they spotted Rhett. They met him.

Later on, they were having dinner with Rebecca and Shannon, when Link came along, and they met.

The whole weekend, they hung out with the rest of the Annoying Orange crew and Rebecca Parham.

2016 VidCon Recap[]

At the first day of VidCon, they were hanging out with Rebecca and Shannon. When they went into the elevator, a lady rushed and the elevators doors closed at her. Dane, Rebecca and Shannon were laughing.

On the last day of VidCon, DaneBoe and Rebecca went to the Facebook lounge to get some breakfast, and they were both very exhausted.

When meeting new people, they would talk about Rebecca's talents and art.

How to Creep Out Your Favorite YouTubers at Conventions[]

They were given an inappropriate postcard by Rebecca.

2017 VidCon Recap[]

They made a small appearance. They, and the rest of the Annoying Orange crew, weren't able to make it to the 8th annual of VidCon.

Don't Listen to the Demon[]

They made a cameo appearance. She was shown as a person in the background in a wine restaurant.

Draw My Life[]

They, TomSka and Jaiden Animations, were asked to help Rebecca to produce How to Creep Out Your Favorite YouTubers at Conventions. She needed their voices to complete the video.

2018 VidCon Recap[]

Part 1[]

They and the rest of the Annoying Orange crew were having lunch. Though, they felt sad that wasn't going to VidCon. However, they then texted Rebecca and said that they are going to VidCon.

They arrived just in time for the big animation lunch.

They also received an invite because of iJustine to the YouTube party.

Part 2[]

Dane had to leave early after breakfast on day 4.

The Last VidCon Recap[]

They hung out with Rebecca and ate crepes while listening to rock music before going to VidCon.

Later, at the YouTube soirée, they and Rebecca found some costumes.

Later, they was brought to the Expo Party, but they didn't eat enough to be full.

DaneBoe also moderated the animation panel.

Slumber Parties Are Witch Gatherings[]

Their face appeared on a wooden figure, which has a spell cast on it.

My Sultry Voice Gives You an Update[]

Although they never physically appeared in the video, Rebecca told her viewers that Dane Boe texted her that they should stay home in San Francisco except for essential travel like grocery-shopping and hospitalization.

Street Performers Pick on Me Again[]

In Street Performers Pick on Me Again!, they voiced the Snitch.


They are close friends with Rebecca Parham. In fact, Rebecca's first YouTuber she has subscribed to is DaneBoe. They often talked to each other and had fun with each other.


Dane and the Annoying Orange Crew had a reunion and started stories, including, Dane's story. They came out as non-binary and transgender with they/she pronouns. And they love it and accepted it.



  • "Yeah, Rebecca, a great art. She's so cool! Look at what she made for me!"
  • "Where we go, she goes."
  • "Aww, thanks! I really apprecia-- Woah MY GOD!"

Rebecca Parham

Animator assistants
Megan MaherNinedoodlesE GriswoldAnnie LoomisChloe Dungate

Broomstache ManBuzzardDress code staff memberEmo singerEric Paul EngelHorrifying creatureJacoMedusaMillyRebecca's DemonRed-Eyed GhostStorage LadyThe curious Disney security guardThiefWrong number caller

Recurring characters
AliceBenDirectorExample characterFanJaco's fatherKid PresidentNaciePolice officerRapperSenior theater kidShannonSnitchStudentsThe Girlfriend FairyTweedledeeVidCon Doll RebeccaVidCon securityVidCon staffYoliYoli's husband

Minor characters
Attention boyBeeFweeBlack-haired Pokémon trainerBloody MaryBoxerBrunette Pokémon trainerCarpenterCarter BranchChoir DirectorChris MillerCOVID-19 DoctorDentistDisney performerDisney recruiterDisney security guardDoctorEarlFashion ladyFemale Disney security bossFifiFire chiefFire SenpaiFreddyGirls on TVGladysGregHank GreenHarry HeartbreakerHead security womanHead teacherHenryKatnissKayKay's fatherKay's motherLawyerLet Me Explain Studios logoLittle GirlLizzie BordenMarilynMaryMr. VanderbiltNoah ArkOrthodontistPabloPedicure employeePervertPrincipalPoo-Pourri MarketerPsychiatristRebecca's AngelRebecca's problems in human formRebecca's slumber party friendsRhydonRingling advisorRueSerial killerShop employeeStagehandStage ManagerTech theater girlTheater department advisorTreehouse-chanVice-principal

Rebecca's relatives
AceAnn ParhamCharlieDavid ParhamMabelMike ParhamNoahPhotographer GirlRachel ParhamStanley ParhamRebecca's grandmother

Ami YamatoAnthony PadillaArin HansonBoyinabandCrankGameplaysChillyPandaCypherDenDaneBoeDanny SexbangDomicsDoddleoddleDrawWithJazzaEddacheFootofaFerretGame GrumpsGingerPaleIllymationIt's Alex ClarkJacksepticeyeJaiden AnimationsLife NogginLinkMarkiplierMatPatMeghan TonjesNathan YaffeOnlyLeighRebaka-ChanRhettRoomieOfficialRubberNinjaShgurrSomeThingElseYTsWooZieTabbesTessa VioletTheAMaazingTheOdd1sOutTimTomTomSkaTonyVToons
